What is a Journey?

It is a process of self-discovery in seeing other parts of our planet. We understand better where we fit in it. The world is our ultimate jigsaw puzzle. Every new encounter is a tiny piece joined together to give us a better glimpse of humanity’s common face.  

A journey is recreation. It takes us out of our daily routines and constantly demands that we open our hearts for renewal. A journey is education in its highest form. Cross-cultural awareness always informs us. It generates our minds by nourishing our curiosity. 

Each and every culture, no matter how remote, represents a vast body of experiences, language, art, religion, dress, music and countless customs. Together, these cultures are the culmination of millions of years in the practice of living on this planet. Only with travel can our understanding of people worldwide grow. 

At AFS, I don’t design journeys for those seeking only poolside umbrella drinks. I want to wake up your sleepy senses and sharpen your global perspective with firsthand experiences. I want you to go for the people, not the weather.  Go to learn. Then pass along to your friends and perhaps your children the knowledge you have gained from exposure to wherever you have been. Take photos, videos and journal. Leave nothing behind except your friendship. Bring home things in your head, not things in your suitcase. Take away memories worthy of keeping forever. 

Go now while you’re able – while you are fit to walk, to hear and to see. Transcend your daily life by going to places that thrill you. Embrace the detours along the way as you broaden your horizons. Prioritize. Are you living to work or are you working to live? Endeavor to fill your dreams now. That is a journey.

